
We are Fixt on helping you become the healthier
and pain-free you!


FixtPT is a physical therapy and wellness center that focuses on treating the whole person and not just the body part, in order to improve mobility/neuromuscular control, improve strength, and enhancing overall wellness in order to improve functional activity.

  1. Download the Raspberian image file, install the balenaEtcher utility and burn the image to the memory card provided. Ignore the ‘burn failed’ output.
  1. Put the card into the Raspberry device and boot it. Log in using username pi and password raspberry, then run the configuration menu with command sudo raspi-config.
  1. Make the following changes: edit the (1) host name and (2) password (System options menu), enable (3) SSH server (Interface options) and set up (4) the proper time zone (Localization options). Reboot the device as the system will prompt to afterwards. The new default password for pi username is supposed to be
  1. After restart proceed to SBC instance setup. The latest version of official guide (as of June 2021) provides the following commands combination to run (better do this via SSH connection which allows to paste the text from clipboard):

wget; sudo bash


  1. Select SBC option when prompted. As setup goes on, the one will prompt to enter provisioning link as well as password for the new SBC you are supposed to create via the WebUI. It is quite important to provide the valid data as installation process will get stuck otherwise.